About the “SBD Aside” plugin for WordPress

The SBD Aside plugin is a WordPress plugin that allows bloggers to easily create small side-bars for there entries, called asides. I recommend against using this plugin with the WordPress Visual Editor, as I have not tested it with the visual editor, and will not support the use of the plugin through the Visual Editor.

Look at the side-bar on the top right of this page. Press the pull-down button to see the content of the aside. Click the pull-up button to hide the content and make more room for the main article.


Nice features of SBD Aside include:

  1. HTML 5 Support. SBD Aside uses the HTML 5 semantic tag <aside> to play well with search engines and content aggregators.
  2. Choose left or right placement on the page.
  3. Choose expanded (“open”) style, or collapsible.
  4. collapsible ones like on the top right of this page can be collapsed or expanded by the reader as required.
  5. Choose round corners or square cut.
  6. Choose background colour.
  7. Choose width in pixels or percent.
  8. Choose from one of two caption underline styles.
  9. Display a caption
  10. All of the above options/settings are optional. Define your own defaults in the plugin’s setting page.
  11. The styling for the aside is compact, with a small font and low margins. This minimises space disruption to the main article.

How to use

Inserting an Aside

Its easy. Just type [aside] on the start of a line; some content; then type [/aside] on a fresh line like so…

  caption = What you get
  alignment = left
  width = 300px
  collapse_state = expanded
  bg_colour = aqua

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


To specify an option put, within the [aside][/aside] pair an option line. An option line starts with two space, and then proceeds with option=value like so…

  caption = This is a caption

Available options include:

Option name Range of values Factory default Effect
caption Any one-line text The head-line for the aside
alignment left or right right placement on the page
width like 200px or 30% 200px Width of the aside
collapse_state expanded or collapsed collapsed Fixed-open or collapsable
corners round or sharp round Rounded corners or square-cut
hr_style sbd-regular or sbd-swish sbd-swish The style of the underline under the caption
bg_colour Any html colour like #9ae6d4 #9ae6d4 Background colour of the aside box

Main Aside content

The main aside content starts from the first line between the [aside][/aside] that does not follow the option line pattern.

What about when I want to write [aside] as literal content?

If you want to write [aside] or [/aside] literally then just prefix it by an exclamation mark like so…

!![aside] is how the SBD Aside is demarcated to begin.

If the word “[aside] is not at the start of the line, then no problem. It does not need to be so escaped.
Hey but what if I want to write ![aside] literally at the start of a line? If you need to write [aside] or [/aside] literally at the start of a line, prefixed by any number of exclamation marks, just add one more exclamation mark, or just don’t put it at the start of a line. These escaping rules apply both within and external to asides.

Defaults for options

None of the options are mandatory. If absent in your blog entry text, they will take default values. The blogger can specify his own defaults through WordPress settings.

How to install

  1. Your website host must have PHP version 5.3 or better. WordPress must be 3.5 or better. Check your PHP version and WordPress version.
  2. Deactivate any other plugin that uses the `[aside]` markup keyword.
  3. Upload `sbd-aside` folder and its 3 files (`sbd-aside.php`,`sbd-aside.js`,`sbd-aside.css` plus image files) to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
  4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  5. Go to the WordPress settings for SBD Aside, and configure the defaults as you prefer.

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4 Responses to About the “SBD Aside” plugin for WordPress

  1. I am interested in using this plug-in, but can’t get it to activate, as it keeps returning the following error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/djumpers/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/sbd-aside/sbd-aside.php on line 225

    I am using the newest WordPress build – 3.5.1

    Any help would be appreciated!

    – Da’ Vane

    • Sean says:

      What is your version of PHP? This pugin requires PHP version 5.3 to work. I didn’t mention it because I didn’t expect anyone would be using a lower version. Perhaps I need to update the documentation?

    • Sean says:

      The documentation is now updated. Let me know if the problem is the version of PHP or otherwise. If your version of PHP is 5.2 or lower, you can ask your web host to upgrade your PHP engine.

  2. Thank you for this information. It turns out that my webhost has PHP 5.2 set as default, but allows PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 to be used if neccessary. This appears to have solved the issue. I am glat that you have been able to enhance the documentation as a result.

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